The Party Train

Welcome to the Party Train blog. We are a speficic ministry group (westys)within the EU. The party train is whole heartedly commited to the doctrinal basis of the EU, and it's mission on Campus, as articulated through its 6 objects. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, or come along to our meetings each week. Whoever you are, we hope you find this site interesting and helpful.

Friday, September 22, 2006

farewell Ryan, welcome Tim

New EU President

Farewell Ryan

More of what we can expect???

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A History of el Capitains/la capitinias

2004-2005: Johann Lenffer - this man set the trend of our fearless leaders...never catching the party train.

2005-2006: Tim Pedley - Remembered for his night's of speed dating and never catching the train, Tim left half way through his term to become an EU staff worker, and had to tone down his bad behaviour, and facial hair. It was under Tim's reign that the Party Train ad was made (thanks to Luke).

2006: Matt Moffitt - After Tim's resignation, Matt appointed himself as el capitain until the election of a new leader. Full of NT Wright quotes, anglican jokes, making people drive to Katoomba for an emergency election and his infamous O Day/Minestrone super mo (introduced at GC as the Big Audacious Senior Student), many of his loyal subjects considered his reign, like King Josiah of Israel,to be all too short.

2006-2007? Will it be you?

Notice of the Party Train AGM 2006

The Party Train: We are a speficic ministry group (westys)within theEU. The party train is whole heartedly commited to the doctrinal basisof the EU, and it's mission on Campus, as articulated through its 7 objects.
Dear westy sisters and brothers in Christ, it is time for the annualAnnual General Meeting of the EU's 13th Faculty, the Party Train. Itwould be really great if you could come to the Annual General Meeting.It is a great opportunity to hear about what God has been doing in andthrough the Party Train in the past year, and to spend time in prayerto Him. You also have the opportunity to vote for the next Executive.The Constitution of the EU requires that a quorum be present at themeeting, so we need as many people as possible to be there.

- Where: Panorotti's Pizza Place in Penrith, followed by Krispy Kremes.
- When: 6:30pm on the Monday of Week 10 (the Public Holiday)- October 2?

1. Open in Prayer
1a. Acceptance of the Previous minutes.
2. Report of the La Capitina
3. Report of Other Office Holders
3a. Report of the Party Train Grads Fund.
4. Elections
4a. Consecration of Party Train Office Holders.
5. General Business
6. Recitial of Westy Pledge and reaffirmation of the Constitution.
7. Close in prayer

Below is the pledge and consitution, and attached are the previousminutes. You will find out more at please come, it'll be fun. I promise. Try to email Sonia( please. And maybe do a reply all just tospam everyone and entice other people to come.'Special' friends and associates are also invited.

For Your La Captaina, (Sonia),

Westy Pledge:"I, , do solemnly swear to embrace my identity as an individual livingwest of the great city of Sydney, to proudly accept all traditionsassociated with Westy culture, to assume all appropriate stereotypes,to uphold and never disparage the Westy image, to profess enjoyment ofall iconic Westy culinary delicacies (foodstuffs), including, but notlimited to, the mighty Krispy Kreme.I acknowledge the three sacred sites: the Westy capital – Penriff, theWesty cultural heartland –Blacktown, and the mighty Druitt.I hereby pledge allegiance to the Westy Train, promising to faithfullyobserve its constitution and the ideals it represents, maintaining theWesty spirit at all times, contributing non-nutritious snack foods asmeans allows and being in attendance whenever possible.All this I will hold to, until such time as I must at last alight, butmay I never renounce my Westyhood, so help me God."

Official Shortened Westy Pledge:Object 4: To unite students of the university in the gospel of ourLord Jesus Christ by growing them together in God-glorifyingrelationships and partnership."I am a Westy, so help me God"
Summary points of Westy Party Train constitution

On disputable matters- The Vibe overrides

On determining "Westy-ness"
- Consider Westy-ness as an intrinsic quality
- Consider Westy-ness as an assumed identity
- Required distance and direction of residenceo Defined as west of the PO Box in Parramatta
- Dress/Fashion- Accent/Vocabulary/Slang
- Initiation: Fit entire Krispy-Kreme in moutho Westy Pledge

On providing non-nutritious food
-stuffs for the Party Train
- Weekly rosters are to be created & promptly forgotten. Just bring food.
- All new biscuit and chip flavours shall be sampled

On electing official positions
- All positions must be contested
- Every member must have a position
- Positions shall be created, retired and observed as needs be (see previous)

On pretty much everything else
- The Vibe overrides

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A New Hope

In true Party Train Capitain (Capitaina) tradition I have not caught the party train more often this semester than I have caught the train. It has been a long semester full of late nights at the library cursing book hiders, GCs and dentist appointments.

On the one occasion that I did catch the party train I found myself, a mere third year, to be the oldest person aboard and completely out of my depth. As conversation turned to the similarities and differences between the Islamic religion and Christianity I felt sure that this was no time to offer to battle someone off in a standing on one foot competition. The only edible substance in sight was Angus Court's roll-up (if you can call those things edible) and the only commentry on fashion was seriously opposed to 'Giodano-wearing Christians'. The absence of a purple jumper sealed the deal and the Party Train of the Lenfers, Pedleys, McSevenys, Perks and Bullens were over.

But there is a new hope. The new WPT-ers: Andrew, James, Elaine and Briony (and possibly Tim if he didn't jump off the train as the doors were closing) have spririt. Though slightly better dressed then the old crew they have the westy passion and the potential to adapt to the culture. The new crew brings a new hope and I sincerely wish that this episode ends with a light saber battle that may or may not result in the birth of a young jedi.