Congragulations to Tim!!!
Congragulations to Tim!!!
If you haven't heard, Tim's the newest projectile (maybe we'll stick with howie - projectile is too sus in the west).
As Tim begins this exciting ministy, it means the party train needs to elect a new el capitain. Nominations are now open - please email Matt.
So far, Sonia has been nominated (by Andrew Robinson).
The meeting itself will be after the offical activites on Monday at Minestrone. The agenda is as follows:
1. Pray
2. ANy objections to Matt chairing the meeting.
3. Purge of any objectors.
3a. Apologies; messages from flooded party trainers; Election of minute secreatary.
4. Parting words from el capitain.
5. Pray for Tim.
6. Final nominations for vacancy.
7. Election to fill vacancy of el capitain.
8. Commisioning of el Capitain.
9. Recital of the constitution.
10. Close in prayer.
note: the picture explains why Tim is a staff worker
I wish to vote for Matt to fill the role of El Presidente.
I will vote by Proxy - as I am currently unavailable. But I will be there in the spirit of westyness.
Sadly, I must delcine such a magnamious position - its not really my spiritual gift (slightly to orthodox for my taste).
However, if you still want to vote for me...thats fine; maybe the party train charity to come beconme a South American Dictatorship (your mum's a south American dictatorship).
I must say, even though I'm not a party-trainer, but just a mere associate, not even with voting rights... I'm still gunna say its a shame there is no tribute, even an announcement of your new el Capitana on the WPT blog... so I'm just gunna say it here
she's even done an equip chalking announcement already! You definately voted in the right woman for the job!
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