The Party Train

Welcome to the Party Train blog. We are a speficic ministry group (westys)within the EU. The party train is whole heartedly commited to the doctrinal basis of the EU, and it's mission on Campus, as articulated through its 6 objects. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, or come along to our meetings each week. Whoever you are, we hope you find this site interesting and helpful.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Westy Party TrainMinutes of the Annual General Meeting for 2005-06(GC Edited Version)3rd October 2005

Westy Party TrainMinutes of the Annual General Meeting for 2005-06(GC Edited Version)3rd October 2005 - Location: Penriff Krispy KremeOpened: 9:00pm (after fine dining experience at Panthers World of Entertainment)Members: 17 members, 1 Honorary AssociateAttendance: AM, LM, KV, TP, JL, PC, MB, DA, SC, LH, SP, PL, MMApologies: HL, PS, DQOpening Prayer (JL)Reports from outgoing Office-holdersMusic Coordinator: Not enough train-singalongs, only one appearance of guitar so far- Party-train musos well-represented at wider EU gatherings/partiesMotion (PL) that guitar appears on train at least twice a semester (Sec: MB)Motion carried: UnanimousReports from outgoing Office-holders (continued)Birthday tracker: Need to update birthday list to include new membersFire-warden’s report: (submitted in absentia) No fires occurred. Warden commendedCultural commentator: Solid core of genuine Westys, good demographic spreadGC rep: reported to GC several times, good times ahead, they love usMobile phone PR manager: High rate of phone abuse noted, considered job well doneSideburn-length monitor: Mercifully all gone, nothing to reportToken metro: Doing alright, suggested that males investigate their feminine side moreFashion Coordinator: Pleased with overall dress-sense, but remember Westy rootsTimekeeper: Cityrail timetable changes - extra 6 min on Strathfield platform notedDancing Monkey: High-quality dance-off’s for final food-items noted- Special commendation to dance-off that went into overtime for a Tim-TamDietician\Hygiene Coordinators:- On target with “Krispy Kreme”-eating quota- More rescuing of food fallen on train carriage floors and Strathfield station surface recommended, 7-second rule cited.Events coordinator:- Many successful events, notably Party Train outreach to other EUers- Noted party-train reputation for Object4-oriented gatherings, vibe is goodVestibule selector:- Suggestion to avoid toilet carriage in future, try last carriage vestibule- Socialising with Epping-types between Redfern & Strathfield endorsed*Noted by all that official Garbage Collector did a great job, heartily endorsed for second term in office*Email communication going well (group feedback)Special reportsWesty Party Train Public Profile- Known to ~80% of EU, still more advertising needed to reach last 20%- Sub-committee suggested to focus on contacting all EU Westys- Party Train members role in organising Rural Mission noted, very successfully fulfilled last three objects (Object 1 N/A)First box of Krispy Kreme finished- Motion to open second box unanimously passedOfficial status of “special friends” and associates- “Special friend” synonymous with “significant other”- Acknowledged that should be invited to all events but no voting rights- They have to vibed in, ie if the vibe is right they are invited to take the Westy pledge and become associate members, no privilegesParty Train plants- Noted that Epping line is trying to start their own Party Train- Recommend supporting all other train-line gatherings- However the label “inner-west” not recognised by Party Train- Suggested so-called “inner-westys” referred to as pseudo-westys- Westy = west of post office in Parramatta but again, vibe overridesParty Train FBE - Agreed too early for that, suggested to aim for 2007Adoption of the 4th object- <>Motion (SC) to establish official spelling of Westy\Westie (Sec: LM)- Whereas unresolved at previous AGM, unanimously passed in favour of Westy with a ‘Y” this year. Cost of changing official name notedMotion (MM) to adopt official Party Train verse (Sec: MB)- Ephesians 4:8b (NIV) “When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train”- ‘captives’ interpreted in this instance as ‘servants’ (of Christ)- Passed with one abstainee and two objectorsMotion (PL) to adopt official staffworker – Mel (Sec: PC)- Passed unanimouslyMotion (JL) to strip PC of voting rights for remainder of meeting for abuse of right to abstain and object (Sec: PC)- Passed very unanimously, one objectorMotion (JL) to elect official positions- As per constitution, all positions must be contested- Multiple titles allowed El CapitánMusic Coordinator/Worship Leader SMEAS-link emeritus insiderParty Train ChaplainStudent Life Rep (To be decided by dance-off at a later date)SecretaryGC RepObject4 Coordinators (Shared role)Senior Executive Junior Vice PresidentToken MetroCultural CommentatorDancing MonkeyBirthday TrackerGarbage CollectorDress CoordinatorEvents CoordinatorMobile Phone PR ManagerVestibule SelectorDietician/HygieneTime KeeperWaterPersonOfficial PlebOfficial PikerOfficial Photographer* Nominees for El Capitán left room during voting for that position* Acceptance and concession speeches by nominees for El CapitánMotion (TP) proposing email forum to discuss new positions (Sec: MB)- Passed unanimouslyMotion (LM) proposing induction of ME as associate member (Sec: PC)- 5 for, 1 against, 5 abstain- Vibe is reluctant, motion postponed until ME attends at least one eventMotion (LM) to thank outgoing El Capitán for all his previous work, and show appreciation with gift of remaining Krispy Kremes (seven) (sec ALL)- Passed (1 abstainee)Motion (JL) to close meeting (Sec: ALL)Motion carriedOfficial Business closed at 10:35pmIncoming El Capitán leads members in the Westy pledgeClosing prayer (TP)Westy Pledge:“I, , do solemnly swear to embrace my identity as an individual living west of the great city of Sydney, to proudly accept all traditions associated with Westy culture, to assume all appropriate stereotypes, to uphold and never disparage the Westy image, to profess enjoyment of all iconic Westy culinary delicacies (foodstuffs), including, but not limited to, the mighty Krispy Kreme.I acknowledge the three sacred sites: the Westy capital – Penriff, the Westy cultural heartland –Blacktown, and the mighty Druitt.I hereby pledge allegiance to the Westy Train, promising to faithfully observe its constitution and the ideals it represents, maintaining the Westy spirit at all times, contributing non-nutritious snack foods as means allows and being in attendance whenever possible.All this I will hold to, until such time as I must at last alight, but may I never renounce my Westyhood, so help me God.”Official Shortened Westy Pledge:Object 4: To unite students of the university in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by growing them together in God-glorifying relationships and partnership.“I am a Westy, so help me God”Summary points of Westy Party Train constitutionOn disputable matters- The Vibe overridesOn determining “Westy-ness”- Consider Westy-ness as an intrinsic quality- Consider Westy-ness as an assumed identity- Required distance and direction of residenceo Defined as west of the PO Box in Parramatta- Dress/Fashion- Accent/Vocabulary/Slang- Initiation: Fit entire Krispy-Kreme in moutho Westy PledgeOn providing non-nutritious food-stuffs for the Party Train- Weekly rosters are to be created & promptly forgotten. Just bring food.- All new biscuit and chip flavours shall be sampledOn electing official positions- All positions must be contested- Every member must have a position- Positions shall be created, retired and observed as needs be (see previous)On pretty much everything else- The Vibe overrides